Tag Archive: Best fish and chips Port Elizabeth


From the outside this eatery does not look like much, but definitely  do not be fooled.  They serve excellent seafood! We popped in here for something to bite after our first ever  “amazing race” we did as a family as a fundraiser to make a sporty girl’s dreams come true and I can proudly add that we slotted into third place from 15 teams!  After the event our stomachs were running on empty so it was time to pop in and  fill up before heading home. As it was a  windy Saturday afternoon in Port Elizabeth the shutters were drawn against the elements, but did not dampen our spirits as we finished in third place in the “amazing race”.  So we had something to celebrate.  The eatery was rather quiet as it was still early and there was some major rugby matches on television. Situated in the harbour area it… Read more >

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