Tag Archive: Birng and braai


We have just celebrated Nasionale Braai Dag (National Braai Day) or, as it is officially declared as part of the public holiday system in South Africa, Heritage Day.  This is a yearly celebration on the 24th of September.  I think you can imagine what we as a nation do on this day – we braai!  Although we have 11 official languages in our country the word braai is understood across the board. Now there are no ”official” rules for having a braai.  The people of the Rainbow Nation each has his/her own preference on the when, how and what to braai.  Some of us like to have a basic fire place where you can sit as close as possible to the fire when it is cold – and do not mind smelling like smoke – and some of us like to do a classy braai in a build-in fireplace inside… Read more >

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