This iconic lighthouse which sits upon a rocky feature in Mossel Bay was first lit on 15th of March, 1864, about 100 years before I was even a twinkle in my parents’ eyes – by no means a modern observation post! So, why named Cape St Blaize? It is so-named because Bartolomeu Dias, the Portuguese explorer, and his crew first landed in Mossel Bay on St. Blaizes Day (3 February) in 1488. Originally the lamp was visible as a single red light for 15 nautical miles but after several upgrades and electrification on the 6th of April 1931, today it can be seen at 22 nautical miles. Then in 1914 the lighthouse received its first foghorn and later a radio beacon with the call sign ZRF was added. This manned lighthouse with a tower height of 14.9 metres is open to the public and is situated at E22 09 25… Read more >