Tag Archive: Cocoa Life


by Inge Triegaardt #cocoalife #smallthingsmatter What are you doing right now? Eating a chocolate while catching up on your reading? Thinking about how good a block of rich and creamy milky chocolate will be right now? If not, you are guaranteed to atleast go and buy a chocolate by the time you have finished reading this article. If you are like us, who still has all our sweet teeth, a slab of chocolate does not last long. The only time you actually look at the outside of the packaging is the time you buy the chocolate and the reason is only to decide which type you want. What about when you are eating it. You don’t think about what you are actually eating. It is pure indulgence while concentrating on something else. Have you ever thought where your block of chocolate started? Where did the process of turning a cocoa… Read more >

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