Tag Archive: Crisscross Adventures


by Inge Triegaardt Picture yourself on a crisp Saturday morning, blue skies above you, on the back of a Safari vehicle, driving through some export quality citrus orchards with some foreign languages filling the air.  That is exactly how we felt when we joined Crisscross Adventures in Addo for an amazing day filled with activities that makes you want more.  First up was the river safari.  I had a preconceived idea of what this might entail and with my very limited canoeing experience that I obtained as a kid, using some rented canoes on a Sunday morning outing in Wilderness, I was excited to see whether my picture was close to what they had to offer.  On the way to the drop-off point further up the Sundays river, the guide was sharing his knowledge of the working citrus farm and we made a quick stop at one of the oldest… Read more >

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