Tag Archive: George museum


The story around the drostdy situated at the roundabout at the top end of York Street goes like this: apparently it was completed in 1815 to provide a residence and office for the first magistrate of George, Adriaan van Kervel.  However, I could not find any confirmation in the history records of the exact date of completion. Then in 1826 when the second magistrate (Van der Riet) and his family was on holiday disaster struck.  Nearly the whole building was destroyed in a fire, but some parts could be saved and it was rebuilt. History states that in 1897 the building was turned into a boarding house and in 1903 it took another change to become the Victoria Hotel which apparently served famous pub lunches. Meanwhile Charles Sayers started a museum in a rented room in Courtney Street. The museum quickly expanded due to generous donations and moved to the Old… Read more >


While blue skies and sunshine can turn into cooler cloudy weather in no time there will always be something to do in the George area. # 1  DOLPHIN’S POINT Maybe it is time to stop at Dolphin’s Point on the N2 to admire the scenic old train bridge that spans the dark waters of the Kaaimans river and enjoy the sweeping view towards Leentjiesklip.   While standing at the viewpoint in the late afternoon you may have a surprise glimpse of the dolphins returning from their feeding grounds. CAUTION: This is at times a high mugging area – please be vigilant when moving around in this area Cost:  Free fresh air! # 2 THE CHOO-TJOE The Transnet Museum with its trains from yester year revokes memories from my childhood when I fell asleep on the rhythmic clic-clac of the train’s wheels.  This outing will keep the children, and the child in… Read more >

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