Tag Archive: Library Skukuza


After  brunch at the Cattle Baron in  Skukuza village, actually on our way to collect some information for a geocache, we stumbled upon  the library with the little hero acre in front of it. Here pets who served with their masters are remembered.  Some died of old age and some died in the line of duty – defending their master and the Park. Here  Spotty, Lappies,  Percy, Hebet, Tessa and many more rest  in peace and are remembered by way of commemorative stones.  However the legendary Jock of the Bushveld  that also traversed Kruger with Sir Percy Fitzpatrick you will not find here. Tucked away under a thatched roof we found a well-stocked library with books ranging from law to French dictionaries, to all sorts of science and reference books as well as all the major daily newspapers.   Must say the comfy leather chairs in the cooled room looked… Read more >

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