Tag Archive: Sandsteen


When driving our 1962 Land Rover home from Gauteng to George we had some mechanical difficulties and were compelled to stay over in the farming town of  Winburg for two days to get the problem sorted. This gave me the time to roam around town and to explore all of the few choices of shops in Winburg.  In the centre of town is the magnificent old stone church with the following interesting history. The European community of Winburg is famous for the differences in political heritage. The town was divided into two camps, due to their support to either the South African Party of General Jan Smuts, or the National Party of Dr Daniel François Malan. This led to the division of the Dutch Reformed Church into two separate congregations, Klip Kerk (Stone Church), which was the original church for the Dutch Reformed Church, and Rietfontein Church in Voortrekker Road…. Read more >


Terwyl ek tyd moes verwyl in Oudtshoorn het ek besluit om my lyf bietjie toeris te hou en deur die dorp te stap en die sandsteen geboue te bekyk. So begin ek onder in Baron van Rheedestraat en stap verby die indrukwekkende CP Nel museum wat ongeveer 122 jaar oud is.  So leer ek dat ook Cecil John Rhodes hier op Oudtshoorn ‘n draai moes gemaak het toe hy die hoeksteen in 1892 gelê het. Net ‘n klein entjie daarvandaan geniet toeriste ‘n koppie koffie by wit gedekte tafeldoeke op die bekende Queens Hotel se stoep.  Na bewering ook die derde oudste hotel in Suid-Afrika!  Maar ek is nog nie lus vir koffie nie en stap nog verder af in Baron Van Rheedestraat. Dan kom ek op ‘n interessante oudhede winkeltjie af met die gepaste naam van Die Neelsie – dit is mos CJ Langenhoven wêreld die – waar jy… Read more >

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