LET ME INTRODUCE some typical South African words to you and when next time you are having a braai with some of the locals you can pop in a couple of these words and they will be more than impressed with you! Are you ready to learn some of our local lingo. If you understand the word“ja-nee” (yes-no) you are truly South African. Absolutely no one else in the world would even consider putting two opposites next to each other to express confirmation, but we are familiar with that expression. The same goes for the meaning of the word “tjaila”. This word, originating from Zulu, has been adopted into all South African languages and used to tell everyone when it’s time to go home. “Jislaaik” – (pronounced yis-like). It is normally uttered as a surprise or in outrage. I cannot think of any English word with the same descriptive meaning. … Read more >