What an amazing experience we had when we visited the famous stingrays in Struisbaai harbour! I was absolutely mesmerized by them and took a zillion pictures ….. Parrie is not just another stingray. He or she (I do not know how you distinguish between them) has been featured on local television in recent years. Stingrays and manta rays (there is a difference) are cartilaginous fishes. So, what is the difference between them? Stingray is a group of rays with about 100 species while there are only two species of manta rays. Manta ray is much larger and heavier than stingrays. Stingray has barbed stings, but not manta ray Stingray could be harmful for humans, but there are no accidental attacks on divers from manta rays Manta rays are found mostly around tropical waters and barely in subtropics, whereas stingrays inhabit tropical, subtropical, and occasionally temperate marine waters Manta rays get… Read more >