Tag Archive: Travelstart


It was that time of the year where bloggers from across the Eastern Cape get together to share ideas, exchange business cards, meet the newbies on the block and share experiences.  For the Travelbucket team it was time to travel again, to experience the Eastern Cape and to visit a new venue that has not been visited before – another tick off our list…… was time for the #ECMeetUp. We’ve been blogging under the radar for a few years now, but we could never understand why our following would not pick up.  For the month’s leading up to the ECMeetUp, we would follow and keep a close eye on the event on social media.  Being a traveling family, we would always choose a solitary life in the wilderness somewhere.  There where we would be alone and make memories for us to remember.  Even though we were sharing our memories with… Read more >


by Inge Triegaardt We have been blogging for four years now and our Facebook Page will be celebrating it’s first birthday next month.  It was time to get out of our comfort zone and right into a very active blogging community in the Eastern Cape of South Africa and attend the EC Meet Up.  We have finally attended our very first #ECMeetUp and what an experience it has been! The end of May and beginning of June was such a busy time for us and because of that we left the decision to attend the biggest blogger meet up right until the very end.  Once we reserved our tickets, we were well and truly on our way to get our brand out there for the first time EVER!  Up until now we were flying under the radar and were just “blogging for fun” (note that we very soon realized blogging… Read more >

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