Tag Archive: Biking Garden Route


The German company, BMW, celebrated its 100th year in the industry around the globe in 2016. The Garden Route’s celebration ride took us towards the Knysna Heads view point for a photo shoot as part of BMW’s worldwide celebrations.  The weather in George was gloomy, but we said that we will go so we kept our promise.  On the bikes and off we go, we cannot miss this historic gathering because of a bit of rain! It was a nice leisurely ride to Knysna and the weather was holding.  We thought that we were a bit early for the event, but on our arrival there were already some guys of the biking community waiting excitedly for fellow riders and friends to arrive.   The weather turned out for the worse with some rain coming down, but the never ending stream of BMW bikes arrived in all shapes and sizes. – super… Read more >


Finally summer has arrived in our part of the world.    It was time to get the dust off the bike and out of the garage after the long and wet winter months.  The weather was perfect for a ride out with hubby as my usual riding buddy. Just to get the bum and hands in condition again  we took a leisurely drive mainly on tar roads today and made some stops to log a cache or two.  The camaraderie on the road by fellow riders, extending a nod in recognition no matter what the steed, always gives a warm feeling to my heart and just makes the ride more worth while. Everybody is enjoying the sun, the smells and the wide open roads our country has on offer and unlike a car you get to experience all the smells along the road which varies from the aromatic veld to the… Read more >

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