Tag Archive: Caprivi


Although Namibia is normally associated with arid and harsh conditions this park has lush green marshes so be prepared for many water crossings on your visit.  The water levels vary according to the amount of rain, but even in the “dry season” you will still encounter a fair amount of water with some inaccessible areas.  In the “wet season” you will be very limited as to where you will be able to drive due to flooded areas and that infamous black turf.  This is a 4×4 only park where off road driving experience is very much needed. No camping is allowed in the park, but there is a community campsite (flush toilets and hot water provided from a donkey, no electricity) situated just outside the park boundary.  There are only six campsites, of which one was not in use due to a fire that gutted the structure, when we visited. … Read more >


Ons kom Botswana binne by Ramatlabama Hek (06:00-22:00) en kies  koers in die rigting van Gaborone en dan oor Serowe na Khama Rhino Sanctuary waar die Botswana regering ‘n teëlprogram het vir swart renosters.    Hier by Khama Rhino Sanctuary kwetter die  voëls  in die bome en die bokke kom loop sommer mak hier om jou staanplek rond in die aand terwyl kos aan mekaar geslaan word en die son rooi sak in die Weste. Gepantser teen die koue en met groot opgewondenheid neem ons my 76-jarige ma, wat nog nooit op ‘n aand  game drive was nie, uit in die veld!  Wat ‘n belewenis was dit nie vir haar.  Absoluut die moeite werd om die rit aan te pak en ouma bo-op die wildkyk voertuig te kry. En soos wat dinge nou maar is, is die geluk nie aan ons kant nie, want as gevolg van ‘n wildtelling aksie wat… Read more >

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