Tag Archive: Visit Lesotho


A trip to Lesotho country can easily be incorporated into a South African trip provided that you have your own vehicle with a good ground clearance, but preferably a 4×4 as the roads can become treacherous at times. Lesotho is not called the “mountain Kingdom” for nothing.  Everywhere you travel you will encounter mountains, mountains and some more mountains in every shape and size.  There is no way that you can avoid them when travelling so please take care on the narrow winding roads as you will also encounter men on horseback and pedestrians sharing the road with you.  So be considerate. The highest dam in Africa is located here –  Katse Dam – which also supplies water to Gauteng in South Africa.  Please take care not to pollute any of the streams as this has a ripple effect. Due to the high altitude temperatures can suddenly plummet to freezing… Read more >


We have visited Lesotho a couple of times before, especially the eastern side coming up with Sani Pass from KwaZulu Natal, but this time round we visited Malealea Lodge in the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho and entered from the more developed western side at Wepener. Arriving at the border post at Van Rooyen’s Gate (hours 06:00- 22:00) near Wepener all was quiet the day after Christmas and the formalities were done without a glitch and off we go. Our plan was to camp at Malealea Lodge and explore the vicinity during the last week of the year.  Since our previous visit to Lesotho we noticed that the main road network improved a lot, but as soon as you get onto the gravel things are still the same = the further from civilization the worse the roads. The roads are potholed and maintenance non-existing.  After all this is why we come… Read more >

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