Tag Archive: travel tips


About 25 years ago we set out on our first overlanding trip.  We were newbies and not a lot of friends was into overlanding and they actually thought we were off our rockers to go and wander beyond the South African borders to explore Africa.   Looking at those old pictures we were something to look at (I do not want to use the word spectacle, because that sounds a bit like  a circus, but over the years we have refined our travel kit and way of travelling that suits us.   So, what did we learn over 20 years? Travel with an open mind.  First and foremost, do not expect things to be like at home.  That is why you travel.  To experience different places, cultures and perspectives.  Be flexible.  Being flexible can save you some money.  It is costly to change pre-booked activities or flights.  Costs which can go towards… Read more >


Travelling can be nerve wrecking, but I am sharing some tips that works for me to make life easier when travelling. Research the airline before you book your flight. I find “Seat Guru’ handy to have a look at the layout of the plane to decide what seat to choose.  I hate sitting in the row directly in front of the toilets.  There is a constant flow of passengers to and from it and I never fall asleep on a night flight.  If you are prone to always being cold, book an isle seat. Normally the general cold air circulations is along the window seats.  Spend money on quality luggage. You will not regret it. Just have a look at how they handle the suitcases when they unload and you will understand.  You do not want to be the one with the suitcase with the broken zip or detached wheels. … Read more >


I am quite sure everyone can do with some extra cash when on holiday for the simple reason that you can experience more at your destination and take more memories home to feed the soul until the next trip.   The key issue for me is that saving starts the moment you start planning your trip while still at home.  Setting up a budget For me this is the number one in the planning process.   This normally determines where I can go in the world, what to do, what to see, etcetera. For me as a South African certain countries are just too expensive to visit due to the FX rates and travel times, visas, etcetera.  Setting the budget eliminates those countries immediately, although it is on my wish list and I religiously check them out every single time in the hope that something changed from the previous planning session. 2. … Read more >

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