There is no other word that I can think of to describe the sundown cruise on the Chobe River better as magical.


This is not going to be a very long entry into my blog. This will be short and sweet.  Either you like the scenery or not – I am just going to do an overload of pictures, because it is difficult not to.

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By now you will probably be thinking well an elephant, is an elephant, is an elephant. – been there, done that, seen that!

There are just so many animals and birds in large numbers that it is unavoidable not to take hundreds of pictures as your eye constantly takes in the view every time that the boat  maneuvers to get close to the animals without scaring them.



For me the most impressive part of the three hour boat cruise is the golden hour at sunset that will linger with you for quite some time.  That short space of time that you have at your disposal to take that perfect sunset photo when all the cameras on deck keep on clicking to capture the perfect moment.

chobe sunset cruise

For the budget traveller it might be pricey at Pula 305 to take this trip, but this is a must see, must do bucket list item for everyone even if you are not the outdoorish, animal type of person.  And remember if  you do make the trip slap on a hat and take some water to drink as well as you will be leaving in the heat of the day and the sun can get quite hot.


“Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind”  (Seneca)

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