Today we were up early and getting the troops ready for our boating trip with Ocean Odyssey in Knysna compliments of #visitknysna. The weather was looking a bit greyish when we departed from home base, but it turned out to be a beautiful day in Knysna. How lucky we are!
Now our family are not sea people at all, but this trip however was on our to do list for some time, but somehow, we never got around to do it. We prefer the bush and greenery of the forest if we have a choice but are ALWAYS open for something new and eventful.

Back to our sea expedition. As always, we arrived a bit early so there was enough time before the trip to use our coffee vouchers at nearby Trinity Coffee. This gave us enough sustenance to be happy on our expedition.
The welcome and safety briefing was done efficiently and professionally by the friendly lady in the office. Life jackets on. Off we go. Following the history of Knysna I have always read about the treacherous exit/entry route through the Knysna Heads. With our very competent skipper this was never an issue. How beautiful is the Knysna Heads viewed from the sea!

Once through the Heads the first thing that we spotted was a Cape fur lazily lolling in the swell against the backdrop of interesting cave formations. We were the only locals in our group and there was great excitement from the tourists when the dolphins picked up our boat and accompanied us on our journey to Buffels Bay in search of some elusive whales. Luck was not on our side today even though the whale spotter on land also tried his best to find the elusive giants of the sea. The whale season was at its end and closing the next day. They must have moved on already. To be in the presence of a pod of dolphins was more than rewarding for us.

While cruising along the coastline some seagulls also came closer to have a look if we had something interesting on the boat for them. What a surprise when we entered a little cove and saw a cave with hanging stalactites and a rock formation rising from the sea that reminds me of a mini Krabi. I never knew that there is such beauty just around the corner from where we live.

Back on land we were greeted with some nice warm towelettes to wipe the sea spray from our faces while enjoying some popcorn to celebrate the ocean sights. A morning well spent and recommended to all. Thank you, Ocean Odyssey.
To make your booking follow the link to Ocean Odyssey’s website
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There’s no question dolphins are smarter than humans as they play more. — Albert Einstein