We think that we are very adventurous when we go an African overland trip with a fully kitted 4×4.  Well, think again.  I think the seafarers from yesteryear was way more adventurous when they set out by ship to explore the unknown and treacherous coast of Africa. 

Once you enter the green doors of the museum in Independent Street you have a bit of an insight into their world.  Here you get the opportunity to have a peek at anchors and artefacts recovered from deep under the ocean and in the shade of a massive tree in the backyard, you will find beautiful old anchors.

The southern most tip of Africa is a dangerous and stormy place and regularly played up to it. Many a ship has come to its end here.  Some 250 ships are scattered along the coastline and there are some interesting stories to be find in the museum. 

Apart from all things ships the museum also hosts a permanent bottle display and some other paraphernalia.  I was a bit shocked to realize that many of the jars and bottles date back to my childhood days.  It seems just so wrong that my childhood memories are displayed in a museum!

No entry fee is charged for a visit; only a donation is collected.  Something nice to do on a windy and cold when the weather is not playing along in the Overberg. 


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