This holiday we were exploring our own region to see whether there are still spots that we have not visited before and to my astonishment we did found such a place – Gullilule bird hide near the Fairy Knowe Hotel!

The Pied King Fishers is one of my favourite birds as they have magnificent hovering and diving skills.  With their black and white plumage, they are not as colourful as the rest of the King Fisher family, but still very pretty.

On arrival we found a pair perched on some dry branches right in front of the hide and shortly thereafter they started their display for us.  It was time to get out the camera and start clicking!

First their super hovering skills were displayed, then with perfect timing a quick dive into the water was executed (alas too quick for me to get the shot) and when it surfaced again a fish was dangling from its strong beak.  Wow!

Then with a couple of strong lashes on the branch the fish was lights out and the feast began.  I was wondering how do they know not to catch to big a fish and what will happen if they do?

However, today that was not the problem.  Without any effort the meal was devoured and off they went for one more catch for the day.


Where?  Follow the signs from the security hut at the entrance to the Fairy Knowe Hotel

What does it cost?   Free entrance

What else?  Sign the visitors’ book and share your sightings



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