Hello 2017!

It is cold and wet outside; unlike our usual summery weather for January. It feels like winter already and my memory takes me back to our walk with the dogs in the Botanical Gardens on a sunny New Years day which was only a few days ago.  To be precise five days ago!

As we were wandering in the Gardens on the first day of the year I was praying for rain. I have never seen the Gardens so dry in my 20 odd years living in the area.    Gone was the typical dampy smell of rotten leaves and fallen trees that I fell in love with.  But today, today the rain has arrived and I am grateful.

Entry to the Gardens is no longer free.  They are now charging a small entrance fee (R10 per person; dogs still no charge) towards the upkeep and improvement of the area.  And I was quite amazed of what has been accomplished since my previous (free) visit.  Signs were erected to make it more user friendly and even an information centre is in progress.

True to a Jack Russel’s nature Pilot was in his element as he took it upon himself to eradicate all the resident moles in the Botanical Gardens to make the parkrun route a safer place!

Luckily Burchell – the botanist – kept an eye on the fish in the pond and could not see what Pilot was doing behind his back  ……..

A big thank you to our local municipality and volunteers for all the improvements over the year!  I hope that the Botanical Gardens will bring joy and peace to many visitors.

Note:    When visiting the Garden Route always bring something warm to wear as the weather is unpredictable.

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