One of the most rewarding places I visited is Radical Raptors situated at The Heath on the N2, just outside of Plettenberg Bay. This safe haven for raptors is doing phenomenal work!

During the daily flying displays you interact with amongst others Barney the owl and other rehabilitated feathered friends which cannot be released into the wild again for various reasons. After all, the very knowledgeable Dennis only uses birds with permanent injuries as ambassadors. And boy oh boy they behave like head boys! Not one step – or should I say feather – out of place.
The trained birds are tame and well adapted to visitors. Therefore, during the flying display you are given a glove and the opportunity to invite the bird to land on your hand. In other words, opportunities by the dozen to take that perfect picture in natural surroundings or try and try and try again if you do not succeed with the first attempt – like me!

Above all, Dennis and the centre is on call 24/7 to assist with injured raptors that are in distress. Please visit the website @ for more detailed information.
You can also follow them on Facebook under Radical Raptors.

DAILY SHOW TIMES: 11am, 1pm, 3pm
(except on Mondays when the facility is closed)
Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings
—– Salvador Dali